четверг, 8 апреля 2010 г.

аудиторный текст, по которому нужно подготовить диалог к 13 апреля

from http://www.hackronomicon.com/?page_id=25

Заполните пропуски в тексте следующими словами и выражениями так, чтобы они подходили по смыслу.

1. engineering
2. security advocate
3. underground
4. exploit
5. information
6. the system
7. unauthorized
8. telephone
9. profited
10. access
11. computer fraud
12. punchcards
13. Outlaw
Kevin David Mitnick

Kevin David Mitnick (born August 6, 1963) is a computer security consultant, digital (1) ... hero, and convicted criminal who also happens to be the most talked about and well known computer hacker in the good ole U.S. of A.

In 1979 Mitnick traversed his first computer network gaining (2) ... access to the Ark, which was a computer system of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). He used a phone number that a friend had given him to gain (3) ... to the system. The Ark was used for developing DEC’s RSTS/E operating system software. After gaining access to the DEC computer network he explored (4) ... and then copied some of software that was stored on it. This was later the reason for his conviction.
Hack the bus?
Kevin's problem solving skills were already in use in the real world at the age of 12 years old. His very first (5) ... was not on a phone or a computer network but rather the Los Angeles public transportation.

The Problem: Getting around the city costs money.

The Solution: At the time Los Angeles bus system used (6) ... so he went out and bought his own punch. He then could get free bus rides anywhere he wanted to go within the LA area.

Kevin excelled in the use of Social (7) ... . He was amused at the fact that he was able to infiltrate organizations by pretending to be a part of them. This allowed him to not only blend in but it also allowed him to gain valuable (8) ... such as internal company information, passwords, user accounts, and modem phone numbers.

During his high school days Kevin was introduced to phone phreaking. He was able to manipulate (9) ... systems for free long distance phone calls anywhere.

In 1989 Kevin vanished while on probation and quickly became “America’s Most Wanted Computer (10) ... ”. He some how managed to elude local police departments, U.S. Marshalls and FBI agents for more than two years.

In 1994 he broke into a computer system that belonged to Tsutomu Shimomura in San Diego, California. Tsutomu a computer (11) ... took it upon himself to track down Kevin Mitnick. This chase lead Tsutomu on a cross-country chase that ended in the arrest of Kevin Mitnick by FBI agents in Raleigh, North Carolina (February15th 1995.)

Kevin was charged with 23 counts of access device fraud. After a plead of guilty to one count his case was moved to Los Angeles, California. He was also charged with 25 counts of access device, wire, and (12) ... .

On March 16, 1999, Mitnick pleads guilty to five of these counts and two additional counts from the Northern District of California. He was then sentenced to 46 months and three years probation, to be served in addition to eight months for his North Carolina plea and 14 months for his probation violation.

He was released from prison on January 21, 2000, being eligible for early release after serving almost 60 months of his 68 month sentence.

Shimomura and John Markoff have reportedly (13) ... handsomely for the story of the chase and apprehension of Kevin Mitnick. You can find the story in the following books:

Takedown by Tsutomu Shimomura with John Markoff
The Fugitive Game by Jonathan Littman
The Cyberthief and the Samurai by Jeff Goodell

Kevin is currently operating a security consulting firm:
Mitnick Security Consulting, LLC is a full-service information security consulting firm. Founded by Kevin Mitnick, Mitnick Security Consulting offers a comprehensive range of services to help businesses protect their valuable assets.


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